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CLUBVISION, the collaboration of Club Resources and Z Design Group, has developed a unique and effective solution for clubhouse and facilities master planning by combining member input, market and membership analysis, financial sensitivity and creative design solutions to provide the very best facilities master planning for private clubs.


CLUBVISION knows that it is ultimately the integrity of the plan that gets member approval.


Just as in a court case, the Discovery process is vital for obtaining as many of the pertinent facts as possible, even when all of the questions haven't been asked yet.  In terms of clubhouse and facilities master planning, one of the most important elements in the process is getting the members' approval to move ahead with the project.  Obtaining member approval involves member input and employing solid, factual, and objective data in the development of the plan.


Club Resources brings three decades of Discovery experience and proven methodology to the process. Our specialized services include: 


  • Member Focus Groups

  • Member Surveys

  • Financial Sensitivity Study

  • Membership History, Trends and Projections Analysis

  • SWOT

  • Comparative Club and Market Studies

  • Summary of Findings and Recommendations 


CLUBVISION knows the design is all about you and your club.


There are major changes happening in the club industry and, in response, there have been numerous magazine  and  website  articles offering opinions about  the  latest  trends  for clubhouse  improvements.  Although our team can certainly advise about current trends, we recommend, instead, that the direction for your capital improvements should rise from market data and member input coming specifically from your club.  Your planning should not be based on one-size-fits-all formulas.  Just as each member has their own personality, a group of club members has a unique personality.  CLUBVISION’s objective is to have that personality be reflected in design of your clubhouse improvements.  


Too often member input is limited to a general satisfaction survey before the design begins and then a membership vote at the end.  Integrated into CLUBVISION’s approach is the creation of opportunities for member input at multiple points during the process.  This way the master plan can be refined to meet the members’ aspirations for their club, and increase the odds for a successful vote. 


As CLUBVISION’s team leader for design, Z Design Group will use data and input gathered in the Discovery Stage to serve as a compass that will guide the Planning & Design Stage and, in collaboration with designated representatives of the club, we will develop size/quantity targets to be included in design of improvements for the existing functional areas and facilities.  Using this criteria, we will develop preliminary master plan variations as well as imagery to help illustrate options for the conceptual vision.  These options will be tested in a member feedback survey to measure your club members' support and preferences for preliminary master plan options that have been developed by the design team.  That input will be used to guide the selection and refinement of a final master plan.  If there remains uncertainty about the members’ vote to approve the master plan, CLUBVISION can help facilitate more input with additional presentations and surveys. 


CLUBVISION will help the club achieve support for proposed improvements that will inspire members and be a source of pride and satisfaction.  After member approval of the master plan, Z Design Group will be prepared to assist the club with design implementation services, including: further development of the design and details, drawings and specifications for building permit/construction, as well as assembling the team of engineers and specialist consultants.


Whether it is getting a positive vote to satisfy the bylaws, or just simply gaining the general support of the members, Club Resources will develop a sensible, supportable and dynamic master plan.


Our plan approval process incorporates the following component steps:


  • Draft Master Plan for Review and Feedback

  • Town Hall Meeting Presentations and Focus Groups 

  • Pre-vote Survey

  • Final Plan Recommendations

  • Vote Facilitation

© 2018 by CLUBVISION -- Z Design Group & Club Resources

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